At the April session, we looked at a number of resources and utilities for improving our ability to make effective websites and do so efficiently.
First were two websites that publish up to date information on web design and development:
In Smashing Magazine, we looked at article on The Best of March 2008 and articles on creative ways to style forms and footers.
This topic lead us to a discussion about RSS feeds with emphasis on the feed reader called FeedDemon.
Next we looked at two tools for creating color palettes based on colors used in a graphic:
We then discussed what are known as "browser resets," that is, a set of CSS declarations that on might use to start a style sheet in order to have certain styles predetermined on all pages. Eric Meyer has published his browser reset on his blog.
We finished with some discussion about Adobe Contribute and how it can be used to assign editing tasks to members of a web development team, particularly when used in conjunction with Dreamweaver templates.
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