November 21, 2010

November 2010 Meeting Report:
Font Makeover

At our November meeting, we updated the headings of this workshop's website by using Google Fonts. This new technology combines cloud computing with the @font-face attribute to let us use fonts that are not available on most computers. The top level heading on the site (H1) now renders with Reenie Beanie, and secondary headings (H2) render with Philosopher. The H1 font deploys properly across browsers, but H2 does not render properly on the iPad. Google's documentation states, "The Google Font API is not currently supported on iPhone, iPad, iPod, or Android."

For more on Google Fonts, check the Google Font Directory, and follow developments at the Google Web Font Blog.

In line with our theme this year of website makeovers, we also looked at Giving Your Older Web Designs a Refresh, an article with suggestions on what to look for when giving your site a new design.

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