April 21, 2013

April 2013 Meeting Report

We started the April meeting by looking at a site called The Internet Explorer 6 Countdown. By its own description, the site “is dedicated to watching Internet Explorer 6 usage drop to less than 1% worldwide, so more websites can choose to drop support for Internet Explorer 6, saving hours of work for web developers.”

We then wrapped up our look at the new CSS3 pseudo-element selectors with a brief review and then a video from SitePoint and Russ Weakley about CSS :NTH Selector.

We looked at some pages at w3schools.com with examples of these selectors. Each page has a “Try it yourself” page with easy interactive test examples. Try these four pages and experiment with different calculations:

We then began using :nth-of-type() to style a table. We will continue with this topic next month, using more advanced styling, and then getting to responsive tables.

    April 14, 2013

    April 2013 Meeting Announcement -- Stylish Tables

    The next meeting of the PACS CSS Workshop will be Saturday, April 20, at our usual 9-10 hour. The main topic this month will be "Stylish Tables."

    This month, we will finish up with the details of using :nth-child and its related pseudo-classes. We will tie up some loose ends from the last meeting, and then show how to apply :nth-child to tables. That will lead us to our ultimate destination, styling tables so that they are responsive.

    CSS will also be the topic at the Web Design SIG that afternoon. Don't miss that meeting’s presentation on SASS. And be sure to check the Groups page on the PACS website at http://pacsnet.org/groups.php for more information on all the other sessions scheduled this month.